Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's getting over..

Are you seeing me? It's over today... One semester.. It's been exactly 5 months and 7 days since I'm here out of those 12 months... I know how much you waited for me... I know how much you wanted me to come back there and live with you... I'm sorry... I'm sorry I could never come back for you... Forgive me if possible..
I'm sorry... I miss you...! Come back once for me...! It's been so many days since I saw you..! 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Where did you go?

I was not aware that I was living until it all stopped one day when I saw that I missed it...! There were moments I wanted to cherish with you yet so much... There were songs which I had to sing to make you proud... There were those card board models which I have hidden in the highest shelf of my room, you had helped me to create which...! They all lie there with very big meaning now and bring those memories back to life...!

How could you even leave me like this and go...! You were more than my father and more than a friend.. How I wish every day that you would be still waiting to see me on the computer screen... I moved too far and you showed your anger by moving the farthest.... Just come back once to talk to me and go... Linger around me in every possible move... You are alive in the every bit of me, who was raised by you...!

I miss you..!